In 2016, I have released a game on Google Play Store called Fiha: Dark Adventures. Recently, I’m working to improve and make it suitable for a class of People.
In January, I have released an update for Fiha: Dark Adventures game. It had no major changes. But, I added two new levels. However, The story is still incomplete. But, You can still play it and have some fun. The game has been designed for all ages. So, From kids to adult men, everyone can play it.

The response to this game is good till now. Recently, I found has listed it as one of the top underrated adventure games.
Else, I’ve been getting emails from many people. It, of course, Inspires me to bring more improvements to this game.
If everything goes fine, you will see a major change in this game in the upcoming months.
Right now, You can download and play Fiha’s Dark Adventures from Google Play Store.
Please, Don’t feel hesitate to let me know any feedback or suggestion about this game.